Sunday, February 12, 2006

Knitting Friends

Just thought I would post some progress pics. Not any progress on mine but I did have some pictures of some of my school friends whom I taught to knit, and who doesn't love a blog with pictures?

This is Mandy & she is working on her diagonal knit blanket

Leah, who is SO proud of her scarf and which has since been frogged and made better.

Melissa; not having a good day but another great knitty girl :)


This is really what I do on class.............knit :) I only have school on Mondays now to review for my registry so not a lot of extra knitting time. Well, must cut this one short since I am at work and 1st shift will be here shortly & I am so tired I might DIE!!!! 3rd shifters can identify with me on this one.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Not much knitting to report, but hopefully I will get some done today because I stayed home from clinicals. I decided since county schools were delayed and I had some extra time built up I would just stay at home. I thought I would just post some pics though. This is the screen of my ultrasound machine. On the screen is a picture of the heart, because that's what I am going to school to do; cardiac ultrasound or echocardiography. AND we only have 6 weeks exactly until GRADUATION!!!!! I am so excited I can't stand myself :)

This is me on an ultrasound table in the school lab. We were doing leg ultrasounds and Melissa got a little crazy with the probe and then Heather took this picture because we all laughed and thought it looked like I was doing something inappropriate. We have since named this the "boner picture", and I am told that it will be a part of the graduation slide show ;)

And last but certainly not least this cutie is my future husband. Hopefully future as in sometime this year after I graduate from school and get a real paying job. We have some land on top of a mountain and are going to build a beautiful house together, as long as we don't kill each other first.

I am off to knit so that I can post more in the very near future and hopefully get done with a million projects I have lined up. I really need to de-stash but I have projects for all of my yarn and it would kill me to get rid of it!!!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006


So I am just starting my blog, which is mainly about knitting stuff. Not much to post right now, as I haven't loaded many pictures. I have been knitting for about 2 years; been in school most of that time so the knitting has been very therapeutic. But........ I do have this picture which is a feather and fan scarf that I made for my Echo teacher for Christmas. I am doing another one for my grandmother in cream but currently don't have any pictures of it.

I also did a diagonal knit baby blanket in blue Homespun for a friends baby

It went really quick because the Homespun is thicker than regular worsted weight yarn and you just start at one corner increasing up to a certain number of stitches and then decrease down to one stitch. Super cute and fluffy and soft!!! Plus not very expensive :) Hope to have more pictures soon, but I am currently in school so the knitting has been a little slow. Only 6 weeks until graduation!!!!!!!!!