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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
I've been waiting for this moment........
............... for all my life.
I KNOW it's been awhile since I have posted. But it's a good thing really. See I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!! So of course I had to buy new clothes, trying to get all my shot records, blood work, physical, etc etc. I am very excited because
A #1 I will be getting paid 2.5 times more than I currently do
B #2 It's a larger teaching hospital with a GREAT cardiology department
C #3 I will be doing what I actually went to school to do ;)
So good things all around, except that I have to drive a lot farther than my current job, kind of cuts into my knitting time, and I will be working 5 days a week with no benefits 'cause it's PRN (for now). There is the chance of a full time position in the next 6-9 months, so for the time being I am working 2 days a month at my current job to keep my benefits there. Knowing me as soon as I quit and my insurance ran out something horrible would happen and I would owe 2 million dollars in medical bills. So busy times are here.
Plus, I started back to school and I am trying to get ready to take my registry. I can practice without being registered, but as for as accreditation goes and being hired somewhere else, I NEED to be registered. So, not much progress in the knitting department. I have about half of a sleeve done on Scott's sweater, and I have gotten half of the baby blanket done so maybe a little bit of progress has been made. Nothing picture worthy though.
I KNOW it's been awhile since I have posted. But it's a good thing really. See I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!! So of course I had to buy new clothes, trying to get all my shot records, blood work, physical, etc etc. I am very excited because
A #1 I will be getting paid 2.5 times more than I currently do
B #2 It's a larger teaching hospital with a GREAT cardiology department
C #3 I will be doing what I actually went to school to do ;)
So good things all around, except that I have to drive a lot farther than my current job, kind of cuts into my knitting time, and I will be working 5 days a week with no benefits 'cause it's PRN (for now). There is the chance of a full time position in the next 6-9 months, so for the time being I am working 2 days a month at my current job to keep my benefits there. Knowing me as soon as I quit and my insurance ran out something horrible would happen and I would owe 2 million dollars in medical bills. So busy times are here.
Plus, I started back to school and I am trying to get ready to take my registry. I can practice without being registered, but as for as accreditation goes and being hired somewhere else, I NEED to be registered. So, not much progress in the knitting department. I have about half of a sleeve done on Scott's sweater, and I have gotten half of the baby blanket done so maybe a little bit of progress has been made. Nothing picture worthy though.

Sherbert in a box. Even though she doesn't look happy about it, she LOVES sitting in boxes, cabinets, baskets, etc.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Life is when you catch the early flight home from Denver.......
So I have still been working on the baby blanket, but I am hating the 10 ROWS of moss stitch over 167 stitches. Feels like it takes forever. So the other day I was over at Charity's blog where she posted about something called the Norwegian Purl. Now with this method, the purl stitch is worked into the back of the needle. In Denmark and Switzerland apparently this method is very common. I had never heard of it but I am going to give it a whirl if it will make the moss stitch any easier, because I love the way it looks but hate to do it. Go figure. Anyway, the link is http://www.knittinghelp.com/knitting/basic_techniques/purl.php and I am sure that most people know about Knitting Help. I like this site because there is a little explanation over to the side of the picture, but once you click on the picture a video appears. Great for visual learners.
To help pass the knitting time I have been listening to some podcasts. Now, I haven't been a big podcast listener, but the other night I downloaded one of Pixie's podcast and when me and Scott were on the mountain I listened and really liked it. I have since downloaded some more, and have been searching for other podcast. I downloaded iTunes, which I have heard is really easy to use, and when it started installing a screen popped up saying that I had to have Windows 2000 or XP. Guess what? I have neither!!! I run Windows ME, duh. Should have read the fine print. Anyway, go check out Pixie Purls and if anyone knows of any other knitting podcast then let me know because I have found a whole nother realm of knitting!!!!
I leave you with this ............... what I look at in the hammock of the back yard where my future home will be.
To help pass the knitting time I have been listening to some podcasts. Now, I haven't been a big podcast listener, but the other night I downloaded one of Pixie's podcast and when me and Scott were on the mountain I listened and really liked it. I have since downloaded some more, and have been searching for other podcast. I downloaded iTunes, which I have heard is really easy to use, and when it started installing a screen popped up saying that I had to have Windows 2000 or XP. Guess what? I have neither!!! I run Windows ME, duh. Should have read the fine print. Anyway, go check out Pixie Purls and if anyone knows of any other knitting podcast then let me know because I have found a whole nother realm of knitting!!!!
I leave you with this ............... what I look at in the hammock of the back yard where my future home will be.

Monday, July 03, 2006
Ballet Camisole

I also started school today, so I doubt that I am going to have time to do it. Yes I am going back to school. This time to get my Bachelor's in Health Science. Totally online, and all of my core classes are knocked out, which is due mainly in part to me being in college for the last 500 million years. It will only take me until next year to get done, and I am only taking 2 classes at a time. That's probably about all that I can handle, since I work, am trying to find another job, HAVE to take (and pass) my registry, pay off student loans, and would like to get married very very soon.
Not to mention that I have 4 projects currently on the needles. That's right ............ FOUR. I have gotten 12 inches done on the baby blanket.Thanks to Girls Just Want To Have Fun, with Sarah Jessica Parker in it, I have seen some real blanket progress. I got the movie Thursday in my recent Netflix delivery and must say that I LOVE the movie. I added it to my Amazon Wishlist so that I can remember to get it later.
Only 2 inches left on the Green Gable. I must pay attention to it and GET IT DONE. I am so tired if it being on the needles and would like to have a FO. AND of course I haven't picked up the beaded scarf or Scott's orange sweater. All that wool is too hot, plus for the scarf I have to carry a chart around with me. I really need to have some sit down devotional time, and work has been too crazy for me to do much there. EVERYBODY has been admitted to the hospital recently I think. We have had quite a few patients in the past month that have even been admitted twice. Then there have been several patients that have died, so that kind of takes up time getting everything prepared, paperwork signed, etc. And then you add the crazys in, and a holiday weekend ................ well it's just not good.
Off to bed now in the wee hours of the morning, and to watch SJP just one more time. (I love movies from the 80's. I also got Saturday Night Fever and Urban Cowboy. Young John Travolta; love it)