So I am a total blog reading addict and everyone else has pictures of their pets and then I started thinking .................. hum ................ I haven't posted any pictures of MY pets. I feel like a totally bad pet owner, but the rest of that story will come later. 2 of my kitties were gone to the vet, so I didn't grab any pics of them, or of the Weims, but I feel compelled to share what I do have.

Somebody threw out this little brown dog. Me and Scott went fishing, came home, and there he was. People are always throwing animals out because we live in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, I named him Little Brown Dog and he followed me around everywhere and was basically a good sweet little dog. We got rid of him, but in a good way. Mom took him to the vet who removed some warts from his face and thinks she has found him a home :) A little elderly lady that brought her dog to the vet had recently lost said pet, and thought maybe Little Brown Dog would be a good replacement. If she doesn't want him and no home can be found he will be given to a organization that will find him a home but does NOT euthanize.
About the same time that we got rid of LBD, Hannah (my sister) comes home from the Hardware store with Daisy Doodles.

She really is a cute little rabbit and is living in the house. However, she is very scared and likes to run from you and hide under the bed. Hannah let one of our cats in her room to run Daisy out and they never come out. So the bed is torn apart and there is the cat and Daisy cuddled up together; aaawwwww! Anyway, she hides under the bed and if you set out food for her she runs out, grabs a piece, then runs back under the bed. Hopefully, with a lots of time and petting she will come around.

And this fatty is our first house cat, Sunshine. I woke up the other day to her talking in the hall - she was lonely because Smoochie and Sherbert (the other 2 cats) were gone to the vet and she was trying to call them and couldn't figure out where they went. Pitiful huh?
Hopefully this week I can get some pics of the Weims and the other kitties, and of course the goats which is another pet which Scott brought home. But this is a start to the chronicle of the pets.
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