Not much knitting to report, as I am waiting on my yarn for the
Green Gable KAL and Scott's Orange sweater sleeves are kinda boring and small.

Anyway, this is going to be a picture post. Here is me and Scottie 2 Hottie at my graduation a few weeks ago. At this point I was really just ready to go home because we had already been to pinning and then graduation. People talk a lot longer than they should at these things PLUS they don't pronounce your name correctly when it is time to walk across stage!!!! I mean really, I have changed majors a few times so it took me a while to finally graduate and my last name was pronounced WRONG. Whatever, I am over that now.

Moving on ..........
Here is me and the moms ........... aren't we SO cute :)

And finally a picture of me and my BEAUTIFUL friend Amy at a bachelorette party Saturday. Our friend Jen is going to get married next Saturday and we are both in the wedding!!! So last weekend we all went out on the town and danced the night away. It was a BLAST. I woke up on Easter morning with my legs hurting because I haven't been dancing in forever.
Hopefully some knitting news to report later on when I finally ger my GG yarn. Can't wait to get started on it!!!