I think that since I have been accepted to Ravelry I forget about blogging because I am WAY too wrapped up in looking at what everyone else is doing!! Plus, there has not been a lot of knitting around here. We have been playing outside in the wagon and the pool, & the above photo is the only frog pool picture that I had that was decent enough for the web. All the rest show F baby's naked little hiney, which I think is so cute.
Speaking of which, my little baby is now 9 months old. Yikes, where did the time go?!?!?! As I write this post he is crawling all over the living room and talking up a storm. I have been working on planning his 1st birthday, but some things have been put on hold. I have been studying for my Cardiac Physics Registry that I am taking in 2 months. I don't have to pass the test to keep my job, but it will mean a small raise and make it easier to get hired elsewhere if I decide to change jobs. So I am just sucking it up and preparing to take the test. But I really hate it because it seems like a waste - learning a lot of things that I don't apply in my day to day job activities. But that's a rant for another day :) I would like to start posting with some regularity but I am so bad at it. How do all you mothers out there do it?