Lastly, the books. 50 Baby Booties To Knit by Zoe Mellor, which has the CUTEST baby booties and socks. I haven't knitted anything out of it yet but I have some future projects in mind and some stash to be utilized. Also I picked up 2 of the Yarn Harlot's books, which are both cute in her usual manner. Knitting Rules has lots of good tips about knitting, gauges, how to measure items for kids, adults, etc. and I know that i will be using this a lot in the future.
So, my upcoming wedding has been a major reason that I haven't been posting. We are also building a garage and putting an apartment above it so we have had all that to deal with. As previously mentioned I am working in the Swallow Tail Shawl from IK, a Shedir hat that I only have the ribbing done, and I thought I finished up an Odessa today. Now, the reason that I thought that I finished it was because once I got it on my head it's about an inch short because I CAN'T MEASURE!! So, now I am either going to have to rip back to before the decreases and make it longer or give it to someone with a smaller head. While giving it to someone with a smaller head sounds great, I know that I will be ripping back because I have an OCD personality like that. Oh, and remember the orange sweater I was working on months ago? Yeah, well I finished a sleeve and it was perfect in length, but when I tried it on S's arm it was WAY too long and hung off of his arm like something gross. So I ripped the whole entire thing up, and plan on doing a seamless sweater from Elizabeth Zimmerman. Everyone has been doing them in blogland, they look so easy, and I know own all of the EZ books (another online purchase). A lot of these things will have to wait because of the wedding. I plan on starting some socks and S's sweater after the wedding. So if my blogging continues to be sporatic, this is why. I am off to get ready to go out for some food, and I finally get to wear a sweater 'cause it has finally cooled off some in the South.